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Craniosacral Therapy | Henriette Harris


Prevention is better than cure

Desiderius Erasmus

Craniosacral Therapy | Henriette Harris

Prices + therapies 

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy supports your body's innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself, helping to relieve stress and build your underlying energy.

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is gentle and effective on physical, mental and emotional issues.

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Usui Reiki

Reiki ist eine sanfte und nicht-invasive Methode, die darauf abzielt, das energetische Gleichgewicht des Körpers zu fördern. Reiki geht davon aus, dass eine Lebensenergie durch alle lebenden Wesen fliesst. Wenn diese Energie blockiert oder gestört ist, kann es zu körperlichen oder emotionalen Beschwerden kommen. Bei einer Reiki Behandlung legt der Reiki Therapeut seine Hände sanft auf oder über den Körper des Empfängers. Dadurch wird versucht, die Lebensenergie zu kanalisieren und den Energiefluss zu harmonisieren. Reiki fördert tiefe Entspannung und hilft, Stress abzubauen.

Deep Tissue

Deep Tissue Massage is a massage technique that involves applying sustained pressure using slow and deep strokes. This type of Massage focuses on breaking down deep seated tension, knots, strains and scar tissue by targets the inner layers of muscles and the surrounding fascia.

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Craniosacral + massage

When craniosacral therapy and massage are combined, there is better and faster recovery from various ailments. At the same time, it brings a deeper relaxation, has an effect on different levels of the body and relieves muscular and mental ailments.

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For babies and children​​

It is difficult to make the transition from the womb to the world! Newborns can face dozens of challenges such as tongue binding, poor sucking, colic, gas, constipation, torticollis, reflux, fussy baby, flat head, hyper/hypotension, teething, ear infections and more. 

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