Craniosacral therapy + massage
When craniosacral therapy and massage are combined, there is better and faster recovery from various ailments. At the same time, it brings a deeper relaxation, has an effect on different levels of the body and relieves muscular and mental ailments.
When massage therapy is coupled with craniosacral therapy, patients can recover more quickly and thoroughly compared to treatment alone. The spine and other supporting anatomy depend on each other to function properly, and usually everyone suffers when the body is subjected to injury. Treating injuries with both massage and craniosacral techniques results in more complete treatment of problem areas. Massage and craniosacral therapies improve blood circulation in the body. Massage therapy increases blood flow through blocked areas and helps break down lactic acid, while craniosacral therapy relieves pressure on nerves. The combination of massage therapy and craniosacral therapy offers a number of benefits for pain management, injury recovery, and a host of other issues.
1 hr 30 min
210 Schweizer Franken